30 Décembre 2024, 18:25:55


Le forum de la multi-gaming Insidious-Gaming est en ligne !

Arrêt du serveur... GTX GAMING COUPE TOUT !!!!

Démarré par RaveR, 03 Avril 2014, 01:22:36

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Bonsoir à tous,

Je pense que le plus simple est de vous donner l'adresse qui explique le pourquoi du comment le serveur est coupé !!!

Je pense rétablir au plus vite sur un autre serveur, chez un autre hébergeur.
J'espère que la database sera conservé.

Je vous tiens au courant rapidement.


03 Avril 2014, 01:54:26 #1 Dernière édition: 03 Avril 2014, 01:57:22 par panik
J'ai passé commande chez lagfreeservers.com, ils disent qu'ils vont nous remettre la database. Oura  ::)


Dear valued customer,

Thank you for getting in touch with us.

We will begin moving your server database as soon as we obtain more servers in the data center. We are dealing with a huge amount of orders today because of the unexpected closure of AOW and GTX so this may take a little more time then usual.

We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that you will be satisfied with us!

If you have any other questions please leave a reply, we look forward to hearing from you again!

All the best,


 Straight from GTX FORUMS~
Dayz Origins Announcement
Today, 02:09 AM
Origins devlopment team, have decided to cut GTX off from the Origins hive. This is all about money, they have made their own company LFS and cut us off to force customers to their own company and make maximum money from Origins, from day 1 we were giving them 50% profit donations towards development of the mod. This is pure greed. GTX have paid over £60k to the dev team over the past year and this is the thanks we get. Cutting us off after we just paid them this months donation of nearly £4000

We implore you to shun this dark and devious development team and take a server of Dayz All In One from us, we will also add 2 weeks free hosting for your troubles.

We are victims here.

A voir lol il se sont peut etre fait queneller